The modular concept of Analytics offers easy life updates, less effort for QA and version independence.
171 The Master includes the Apps under a common Portal user interface.  Master #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-home esyness awesome esyness ESY
20 Development App for Development of new Apps  Factory #FFFFFF esy-001025 #0D93A8 fa fa-industry esyness awesome esyness ESY esy-000012
177 Design and run your workflows Flows #FFFFFF #0D93A8 workflow-wt.png esyness image esyness ESY
28 Document Management System with share function  Doc #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-book esyness awesome esyness ESY
29 Online Form Designer, Online Form Editor and Online Form Reader  Forms #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-file-text-o esyness awesome esyness ESY
21 Controls if KPIs are inside their limitations  Monitoring #FFFFFF esy-000089 #0D93A8 fa fa-tachometer esyness awesome esyness ESY esy-000005
172 Manage Adresses, Instititutions and Functions  Adr #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-address-card-o esyness awesome esyness ESY
32 Event Management  Events #FFFFFF #0D93A8 glyphicon glyphicon-tent esyness bootstrap esyness ESY
30 Slim Board for esy Team Organisation  SlimBoard #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-comments esyness awesome esyness ESY
14 Project planing with Kanban boards, GANTT Chard and Project Calendar  Project #FFFFFF esy-000014 #0D93A8 fa fa-sliders esyness awesome esyness ESY esy-000002
179 Calender functions  Calendar #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-calendar esyness awesome esyness ESY
180 Start Workflows and Projects at a predefined Date and Time  Scheduler #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-calendar-check-o esyness awesome esyness ESY
182 Mange your Project Time  Timesheets #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-clock-o esyness awesome esyness ESY
173 Manage your expenses  Budgets #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-bank esyness awesome esyness ESY
176 Create, control and manage your invoices. Control and manage income and expenses Billing #FFFFFF #0D93A8 logo.png esyness image esyness ESY
174 Create your company bilance, according to DATEV SCR 24  Bilanz #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-building esyness awesome esyness ESY
178 Documents often have to be stored for a long time due to legal requirements. Str More ...  Archive #FFFFFF #0D93A8 fa fa-archive esyness awesome esyness ESY
10 Translation Manager for creation and management of translation table entries  Translation #FFFFFF esy-000010 #0D93A8 glyphicon glyphicon-text-size esyness bootstrap esyness ESY esy-000010
1 Master Module connects the Reporting Modules and provides administration interfa More ...  Master #FFFFFF esy-000001 #FFA600 fa fa-home Metasonic class Metasonic MC esy-000065
22 A collection of reports and charts for Metasonic processes  Process-Report #FFFFFF esy-000088 #FFA600 fa fa-cogs Metasonic class Metasonic MC esy-000005